Here is a lot of information about the African continent that you will never learn in educational curricula and books. Some may think that the African continent is just a continent with an average area in relation to the rest of the world’s continents.. Follow me to learn that there is a lot of information I learned about Africa that was not real.
Important information hidden by history about Africa 2022
The area of Africa
The area of Africa reaches 30.37 million square kilometers (30.875.415 square kilometers). The first thing that comes to our mind is that this area may not be large for many continents or major countries. Let us look at the area of some continents and countries compared to the continent of Africa:
- The area of China: 9.6 million square kilometers.
- The area of the United States is approximately 9.8 million square kilometers.
- The area of Europe is approximately 10.18 million square kilometres.
That is, the area of Africa is three times the size of China, and thus three times the size of Europe, and thus three times the size of the United States of America.
Yes, dear reader, Africa is larger than the area of Europe, China and the United States combined
The truth about drawing Africa on world maps
In fact, by looking at the continent of Africa in most of the world maps that were produced, you might think that the continent of Africa is small in size, less than its normal size.
Do you think it's just a coincidence, this was done on purpose to create the visual effect of Little Africa with the aim of manipulating, brainwashing and deceiving Africans wherever they are.
Resources you may not know about Africa
In fact, Africa has many resources. Here are some of Africa's resources:
- Africa now owns 60% of arable land.
- Africa possesses 90% of the reserves of raw materials.
- Africa holds 40% of the world's gold reserves.
- Africa has 33% of diamond reserves.
Africa possesses 80% of the world's reserves of coltan (the mineral intended for the production of phones and electronics), especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Africa holds 60% of the world's reserves of cobalt (the mineral for the manufacture of car batteries).
- Africa is also rich in oil and natural gas, and Africa (Namibia) has the richest fishing beaches in the world.
- Africa is rich in manganese, iron and timber.
Coffee and its relationship to Africa
Everyone knows the coffee drink, but few know that coffee was first discovered in Africa, where it was discovered by an Ethiopian sheep called Kaldi, who is from the Kafa region.
The shepherd Kaldi noticed that the movement of the sheep became strange and somewhat fast, after they ate grains of the coffee plant, and from here it was discovered that coffee is an effective ingredient that can be used to increase concentration.
General information about Africa
The population of the continent of Africa is 1.3 billion people (considering the population of China is 1.4 billion people on an area of more than 9.6 million square kilometers).
That is, Africa is so far uninhabited.
- The arable land of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is capable of feeding all of Africa. And all the arable land in Africa is enough to feed the whole world.
- The Democratic Republic of the Congo has important rivers, those rivers are enough to completely illuminate Africa.
- Africa is a vastly culturally diverse continent, in terms of dance, music, architecture, sculpture...etc.
- According to important studies that did not receive the world’s attention (this lack of attention is deliberate, but those interested in this disappeared in mysterious circumstances) confirm that Africa is home to more than 30,000 medicinal herbal prescriptions that the West amends in their laboratories, meaning that Africa is the basis of medicine and herbal treatment.
- Looking at Africa in its young global population, it is expected to reach nearly 2.5 billion by 2050.
Africa represents the future of humanity.
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